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The Triad

Marie Wood and Michelle Miller, of Greensboro, NC were both diagnosed with Stage IIIC ovarian cancer in January 2017. These ladies were 10 years apart, but found themselves in a very similar situation being caught off guard by this unwelcome disease. Becoming a part of a community of women battling ovarian cancer, they sought to get more awareness and attention brought to this disease in the Triad area. After quite a bit of research, Marie made the call to Mary Barto seeking to partner with She ROCKS of Wilmington. As it turned out, Marie’s call was most welcome as She ROCKS was looking for a way to expand their efforts to reach a greater audience.

Since the Triad market expansion in January 2018, She ROCKS has supported the Alight Program at Cone Health Cancer Center. Alight was able to expand their work with breast cancer patients to support women currently undergoing treatment for all gynecological cancers by providing resource binders called The Journey Book and financial support to patients who have demonstrated need through their emergency assistance fund. She ROCKS has continued since 2018 to provide annual support for these immediate needs, and in 2021 established The Marie Burris Wood She ROCKS Patient Endowment Fund in the Triad to provide additional, ongoing patient support funding.