Early detection is critical to long term survival... know the symptoms!
Hover over the icons below to learn about risk factors often associated with an ovarian cancer diagnosis.
Having a close relative, such as a mother, sister, aunt, or grandmother, who has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer...
Having been diagnosed with Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or breast, uterine, or colon cancer...
Hormone therapy usage (combination type and years of use) and whether or not you've had a hysterectomy...
Having a BRCA1 or BRCA2 genetic mutation, or one associated with Lynch Syndrome...
Being middle aged or older, although diagnosis can be made at any age...
Never having given birth or had trouble getting pregnant...
Ovarian cancer is 1/10 as common as breast cancer, but three times more lethal, largely because there is no screening test and almost no symptoms until it is very advanced. In fact, 75% of patients present with stage III or IV. She ROCKS exists to change all that.
will develop ovarian cancer
204,000 cases and 125,000 deaths. The United States annually: 22,000 cases and 14,000 deaths
A pap test does NOT detect ovarian cancer
were misdiagnosed with IBS, indigestion or urinary tract infections
of women do not know the symptoms
and treated in stage I, the five-year survival rate is 92%. However, only 15% of all ovarian cancers are diagnosed at early stage
We believe it is our duty to help one another and to offer hope, knowing that together, we make a difference.
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Share this information with someone who should know the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer.
© 2025 She ROCKS, Inc.